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IGNITE MT Conference

Day 1: IGNITE Montana Conference

Location: Sidecare & Ballroom area

*Only for guests staying at the hotel*

Location: Ballroom

Erica Swanson, State Director - Jobs for Montana's Graduates

Location: Ballroom

See below for *Worksite Tours Descriptions*

Scroll to the bottom of the page.

Check your competitive events schedule for location details
Location: Western Star (Ballroom, far end)

Students & Career Specialists: Ballroom

Guests & Judges: Dining Car (near lobby)

Taco Bar: Shredded Beef or Chicken, with corn/flour tortillas, limes, salsa roja, salsa verde sauce, shredded cheese, pico de gallo, sour cream, and guacamole and Two Sides of Spanish rice and Refried pinto beans.

Location: Western Star room

Put your personal financial skills to the test in a fun/interactive session that is self-paced

Location: Conference Foyer

Visit and learn more about the opportunities offered by our vendor guests

Location: Ballroom (Oriental C & D rooms)

Practice your listening and networking skills while meeting a carefully curated group of professional
guests representing different careers and sectors. Students will rotate in groups to meet each
professional for seven-minute rounds.  We will do a raffle for gift cards!

Location: National Guard Aviation Training Center

Talent Competitions will be performed in front of an audience and judges.
Pizza and drinks provided by the Army National Guard.
Students can socialize and engage with fun activities provided by the Guard: Laser tag. Rock wall,
Speed pitch, Oculus VR, Wind tunnel, 3-D printer products, FLIR – Forward Looking Infrared Radar

Alpha Graphics Print & Marketing          

Morning Group:   Departs @ 10:00 AM / Returns @ 11:45 AM

Afternoon Group:  Departs @ 1:00 PM / Returns @ 2:45 PM     

Description:     Receive a brief introduction about the jobs, skills, and equipment used in marketing, print products, and advertising.  Students will tour the production floor, back offices, and equipment room to see all the tools needed to run a marketing and print business.  Students will learn about the different jobs within media and products and how transferable these skills are.

Best Western-Great Northern Hotel / Hospitality 

Morning Group:  Departs @ 10:30 AM // Returns @ 11:15 AM

Afternoon Group:  Departs @ 1:15 PM // Returns @ 1:45 PM

Description:       Receive a brief introduction about the Best Western Hotel chain and the Great Northern Hotel.  Students will tour private and public spaces such as the kitchen, generator/boiler room, laundry, maintenance, back offices, and equipment room.  Students will learn about the different jobs within hospitality and how transferable these skills are

Boeing-Helena Plant / Manufacturing & Machining

Morning Group:   Departs @ 10:00 AM // Returns @ 11:45 AM

Afternoon Group:   Departs @ 1:00 PM // Returns @ 2:45 PM

Description:    Receive a brief introduction about what Boeing – Helena manufactures several production aircraft like the Boeing 737, 777, and 787.  Students will tour the massive facility and see aircraft parts, machines, and workstations that are carefully positioned to maximize efficiency and safety.  Students will also get an opportunity to hear from staff members and share about opportunities available with Boeing.

Dick Anderson Construction / Carroll College Turf Project (15 students)

Morning Group:   Departs @ 10:00 AM // Returns @ 11:45 AM

Afternoon Group:   Departs @ 1:00 PM // Returns @ 2:45 PM

Description:    Brief introduction about Dick Anderson Construction (DAC) and what kind of residential and commercial construction projects they undertake.  Students will tour an active construction site and will be required to wear hard hats, high visibility vests, and other personal protective equipment (PPE). Students may get to see some construction processes, tools, and other equipment.  Students will get an opportunity to hear from the crew and share about their jobs and any training or certification they received.

Helena Airport & Fire/Rescue Services     (2 sites available)

Morning Group:  Departs @ 10:00 AM // Returns @ 11:45 AM      

Afternoon Group:  Departs @ 1:00 PM // Returns @ 2:45 PM                 

Site 1: Exec Air and Air Traffic Control

Intro to airport operations and safety.  Students will tour the hanger, aircraft, back offices, equipment room, control tower, apron, and tarmac.

TWO Locations: Start at Exec Air (45 mins.)     Then go to     Air Traffic Control Tower (45 mins.)

Site 2:  Fire & Rescue Services

Intro to airport fire/rescue services and related tasks/duties.  Students will get to see live fire demonstrations, view and possibly ride in rescue vehicles, and speak with fire personnel about jobs and careers.

Montana Army National Guard (MTARNG) (3 sites)

Morning Group:  April 24) Departs @ 10:00 AM // Returns @ 11:45 AM

                            April 25 only) Departs @ 9:00 AM // Returns @ 10:45 AM

Afternoon Group:   April 24) Departs @ 1:00 PM // Returns @ 2:45 PM

Site 1: Aviation Battalion (Airport)

Students will tour maintenance facilities, the hangar, and workstations where they may get to see Chinook, Blackhawk, and Lakota helicopters and other equipment on site.

Site 2: State Partnership Program (SPP) & ROTC (Fort Harrison)

Have you ever wondered about how to find a job in building relationships around the world? the MTARNG SPP can help you realize that dream! You will learn about partnerships the MTARNG has with Sir Lanka, Maldives, Turkmenistan, and Kyrgyzstan. It is a perfect way to travel the world, build and foster relationships, and give back to your state through service.

Site 3: Combined Support Maintenance Shop (Fort Harrison)

Students will tour the maintenance facility that repairs and maintains all MTARNG vehicles including M-1 Abrahms Tanks and M-2 Bradley Fighting Vehicles and see large military track/wheeled vehicles.

Montana Department of Trans. (MDT) / Depot & Service Center 

Morning Group:   Departs @ 10:00 AM // Returns @ 11:45 AM

Afternoon Group:  Departs @ 1:00 PM // Returns @ 2:45 PM

Description:   Brief overview of MDT and their role in roads/highway infrastructure within the state.  Students may tour the maintenance/fabrication facility, and fleet of service vehicles.

Students may get an opportunity to hear from snowplow drivers and technicians share about their jobs and any training or certification they received.

Ironworkers (Trades Careers) Onsite 

Morning Group:  Departs @ 10:00 AM // Returns @ 11:00 AM

Afternoon Group:  Departs @ 1:00 PM // Returns @ 2:00 PM

Description:   Introduction to jobs related to ironworkers and welders on a construction site.  Industry partners such as welding and ironworkers training centers will guide interactive tasks and simulators used for training on the job site.  All industries represented will have interactive/hands-on activities for students and teachers.  Registered Apprenticeship information will be provided.

Northwestern Energy / Yard Depot and Customer Service Center

Morning Group:   Departs @ 10:00 AM // Returns @ 11:45 AM

Afternoon Group:   Departs @ 1:00 PM // Returns @ 2:45 PM

Description:   Brief overview of Northwestern Energy and its role as an energy provider within the state and the region.  Students may tour the maintenance facility, the yard/depot where the fleet of service vehicles and supplies are kept, and the customer service center.  They will also get to see a transfer station and a natural gas extraction site.

Students may get an opportunity to hear from line workers and technicians about their jobs and any training or certification they received, as well as how to enter their field of work.

Day 2: IGNITE Montana Conference

Location: Ballroom

*Only for guests staying at the hotel*

Location: Conference Foyer

Visit and learn more about the opportunities offered by our vendor guests

Location: Trestle & Signal rooms

Presenter: Mike Jetty

Traditional Blackfeet and Dakota values such as ““ika’kimaat” and “wowacintanka” persist into contemporary times.  This session will provide a Blackfeet and Dakota perspective regarding how these traditional values and practices can be incorporated in your daily life.

“ika’kimaat” (to try hard, to persevere) – Blackfeet  “wowacintanka” (persistence) – Dakota

Location: Depot room

Students will learn about the threats facing young people and communities in Montana, such as the
impacts of the drug and human trafficking trade. Sextortion is a fast growing threat facing young
people today online, which has claimed lives and awareness is key to avoid being a victim.

Presenter: Sheriff's Department - Lewis & Clark County - Capt. Bradley Bragg

Location: Silver Star restaurant

Students will share, connect, ask questions, and look back about their experiences at the
conference. Students enjoy this unstructured time since there are no presentations

Presenter: Erica Kazmierowski

Location: Governor's Room

Students learn how to spot facts from opinions and how to navigate what could be a scam in social media.  What’s the difference? A big one!

Presenter: Rachel Hagen, Office of Public Instruction

Location: Ballroom

  • Address from Governor of Montana, Greg Gianforte
  • Welcome from Mayor of Helena, Wilmot Collins
  • JMG Keynote PanelA curated panel who are former Jobs for Montana’s Graduates students
    will share about the professional skills they learned and how they developed transferable
    skills for future jobs or careers. Students will gain an understanding and appreciation of
    essential skills and how it relates to their future plans

Moderator: Erica Swanson, JMG State Director

Panelists: Merrilee Thomas, TBD 1, TBD 2

Location: Ballroom

Awards announced for IGNITE Competitive Events