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IGNITE MT Conference

Ready to IGNITE MT?

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April 23 - Day 1

Location: Conference Foyer

Location: Ballroom area

*For registered students, teachers, staff.*

Location: Ballroom

State Director, Ron Carroll - Jobs for Montana's Graduates (JMG)

Location: Ballroom

Hosts: JMG State Student Officers - Chloe Prince, Coya Kelley, John Dennis, Triniti Anderson

Morning session will be conducted by students which will include ice breaker activities and connection use with peers to better know one another.

Location: Various

See Worksite Tours Agenda (PDF). Worksite Tours are held at multiple offsite locations that require transportation.

Check your competitive events schedule for location details.

Students & Career Specialists Location:  Ballroom

Guests & Judges  Location:  Dining Car (near lobby)

Location:  Western Star Room

Put your personal financial skills to the test in a fun/interactive session that is self-paced.

Location:  Conference Foyer

Visit and learn more about the opportunities offered by our vendor guests.

Location:  Ballroom (Oriental C & D rooms)

Practice your listening and networking skills while meeting a carefully curated group of professional guests representing different careers and sectors.  Students will rotate in groups to meet each professional for five-minute chats.  Refreshments and appetizers will be served.

Location:          National Guard Aviation Training Center

Talent Competitions will be performed in front of an audience and judges.

Small Pizzas, snacks, drinks provided by the Army National Guard.

Students can socialize and engage with fun activities provided by the Guard: Laser tag. Rock wall, Speed pitch, Oculus VR, Wind tunnel, 3-D printer products, FLIR – Forward Looking Infrared Radar.

April 24 - Day 2

Location:  Ballroom *Only for guests staying at the hotel*

Four Workshops available: See Workshops Agenda Page

  • TBD – Workshop
  • Drug trade, Human Trafficking, and Sextortion in Montana Workshop
  • News & Social Media Literacy Workshop
  • Reflection on IGNITE and Student Leadership Experience Workshop

Location:  Conference Foyer

Visit and learn more about the opportunities offered by our vendor guests

Location: Hallway & Workshop Room

Students and Teachers transition from workshops to the banquet hall.  Please wait in the hallway until released to enter the ballroom.

Location:  Ballroom

  • Greetings from Governor Greg Gianforte
  • Brief remarks from Commissioner Sarah Swanson
  • Welcome from the Mayor of Helena, Wilmot Collins
  • JMG Keynote Chat– A -curated panel who are former Jobs for Montana’s Graduates students will share the professional skills they learned and how they developed transferable skills for future jobs or careers. Students will gain an understanding and appreciation of essential skills and how they relate to their plans.

Moderator:            Name TBD, JMG State Student Leader

Panelists:               TBD 1, TBD 2

Location:  Ballroom

Hosts:  JMG State Student Leaders - Chloe Prince, Coya Kelley, John Dennis, Triniti Anderson

Awards and Recognitions announced for IGNITE Competitive Events.

Safe travels back.  Thank you for attending the 2025 IGNITE MT Conference!